Friday, June 1, 2007

Helllllllo Kitty!

Since quitting my last job as a receptionist at a hoity-toity law firm where my responsibilities included watering the plants, I have since been re-employed at a law firm where my responsibilities include watering the plants.

It's the circle of life, I guess.  Or something...

Anyway so I'm half-asleep yesterday morning, hose in hand and blearily staring at the massive amount of shrubs and flora that I'm to water.  I open the hose and let it spray on the bushes, the trees, the flowers, the poor kitty that peeked its head out from under the porch at the precise wrong moment, the ivy, the...

"OHMYGAWD, I'M SO SORRY! I'M SORRY!" I yell, frightening the now soaked furball into running back under the porch and staring at me with hurt and watery eyes.


This morning, I peeked through the bushes to make sure that my watering duties would only cover those things that had leaves and not paws.

Here is a picture of two of the cute and cuddly kitties (the left one which likes to eat with one paw in each dish, whapping violently at any of his siblings who may possibly also want to not starve):


Anonymous said...

An irrigation system is needed! Harry, where are ya?
Gaz ;-)

Anonymous said...

They never forget you know. And one day when you least expect it....!
B. x

Anonymous said...

Aww... babies!!!!  Yay!!!!!  I am so glad they are being fed!!!!  How sweet!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Im in ur garden...  slashin ur hose.


Anonymous said...

Oh they are sooo adorable! :-)

Anonymous said...

Plant some catnip there and they will forgive you.

Anonymous said...

Yes.  Win their friendship with kitty drugs.  


Anonymous said...

Awwwww how cute :-)
