Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sorry for the Delay...

I managed to be the last person in the frickin' tri-state area to get the FLU!!!

So I'm a bit laid up at the moment. 

Nothing exciting to report, I'm just happy to be conscious and medicated at the moment. 

I spent much of last  night reading while Harry spent some quaility video game time with his good buds.  Unfortunately for me, I had a rather cranky cat for company:

It's rather hard to read a good book when one's fluffy paw is covering some rather important bits!   Shortly after this photo was snapped, Phoebe ran up me and settled around my neck like a weezing fur collar.  It would've been sweet if not for the kitty sneezes that she launched on the back of my neck every half hour or so!



Anonymous said...

That cat really knows how to looked pissed off! Sorry you got flu'ed on.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll admit...I'm a little scared by your cat.  LOL

Nyquil!  'Tis a good friend of mine.  :-D  Feel better soon!


Anonymous said...

That cat sure don't look happy. And I bet she gave you cat flu.
Hope you're feeling better soon. B. x

Anonymous said...

Oh I am sorry you are sick, sweetness!!!  {{{{{ Holly }}}}} Phoebe totally reminds me of my Pumpkin!  She swats the book and demands attention until she is ready to settle on my legs, lol  Look at that face on Phoebe... PET ME NOWWWWWWWWW, you slave!!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Hi Hollly, I'm your NEIGHBOR!!  I live just outside of Huntington!
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Awww your cat is obviously trying to look after you bless.  Sorry to hear your not well ~ hope your feeling better today xx


Anonymous said...

Oh Holly, I hope you feel better by the time you read this comment, I am playing catch up at the moment.
Gaz oxoxoox