Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pictures from my Day

As I was driving up the bridge to get to my parent's house I noticed that the carnival was packing up and all signs of the Fall Fest of Barboursville had been packed up, cleaned up and moved on.   I then noticed something standing on the hill where my Middle School once stood proudly.   The former "Morris Harvey College" turned "Barboursville Middle School" was crudely torn down to make way for a garden and gazebo for the parting mayor to make sure she'd be remembered.

But I digress.

I think someone forgot to pack up one major thing as they scattered last night:

It's not often, I'm sure, that a thirty-foot bulldog is forgotten, I'm sure...

At some point during the day, Gillian, my lovable niece had decided to "borrrow" my phone.  "You can take ONE picture, Gilly - so choose wisely," I said to her.
Here are the several she took instead:

Summer in one of the cool green chairs mom got at a consignment shop.   I'm sure my dear sister was supposed to be doing something else but seems to have gotten distracted by a "Traditional Homes" mag and a mug of coffee.

  The tv looks  possessed!Ahhh - the floor.  How nice.
A cord.   Yup.  That's a cord.

And then, as I was leaving the humble abode of my dear parents I noticed something odd about the house at the end of the alley:

It's demolished!  I have been looking at this house for all of my 25+5 years!  And just like that POOF! It's gone!  Weird...

And finally, a dinner of Bourban Peppercorn chicken and a slightly undercooked veggie casserole for one was how I ended my night:

And since every chair we moved had to first be inspected by a blind Siamese who warbled up a storm and did an unfortunate face plant off the couch on to a rolled up rug, this shot is for him (even if he can't really see it)...
  Sometimes an open paint can causes more trouble than expected...

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

isnt it funny how quickly things change, i didnt go into town for about a month and when i did there were new flats up where a night club once stood and shops were gone ,the front of the mall had changed,roads had gone to make the city pedestrianised, it was madness! beckie x

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't get away with leaving a thirty foot bulldog unattended around here. It would ne nicked within half an hour.

And as for that meal, well, no wonder you're missing Harry!

B. x

Anonymous said...

Holly, you need to eat proper food when Hazza is away. Your readers worry about you. Did you just throw that up?
Gaz ;-)

Anonymous said...

oh and that house cought on fire. insurance said it was cheaper to demo and redo! but it was shocking bc i had heard the fire was on the top (3rd) floor and most of the damage was at the back. But it was an old house and i guess a do-over is cheaper than a restoration.