Coming home from work on Friday, I turned from Fifth Avenue on to Route 60 and was greated by the most beautiful, sky-illuminating, full-bow rainbow I had ever seen. The sky seemed to be spotlit by this rainbow that stretched from the banks of the Ohio River to the depths of the West End. And if that sight wasn't enough to have me lookin' for "me Lucky Charms" a faint second rainbow was visible off to the right!
It was gorgeous!
I managed to snap a picture with my dinky camera phone - it's a bit fuzzy - but you can see the rainbow behind the Waffle House and directly to the right of the sign, the faint image of the second rainbow:
Pretty rainbow. But... The Waffle House... It... It's so beautiful. I must have waffles.
Soooooooooooooooo does this mean that the "pot of Gold" is REALLY at the Waffle House ????
Damn, that sure is a pretty waffle house.
WOW, that's an amazing rainbow!! Too bad you didn't have your real camera, huh? Even with the phone picture, it's just gorgeous!!
:) Carol
I can see them both... the brighter one is the brightest I think I have ever seen! Wow!
be well,
Nice rainbow, so bright. B. x
Um sorry about this, but whats a waffle house?
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