Friday, August 27, 2010

A Feat of Feet

I'm obsessed with boots right now. With Fall looming there are visions of booties, knee-hi and even the occassional peeptoe leather wonder wandering in my brain. And now that the swelling in my legs have gone down - some may actually fit!
Oh the thought makes me as giddy as a naughty schoolgirl in plaid!
Thus far I have ordered two pair blindly from the web (ugly and waaaay too big-I'd have to have Andre the Freakin Giant's calves to fit in the last pair!) and tried on about a hundred more. My problem, I'm realizing, is that I just don't like ugly shoes. And there are some doooooozies out there!
So even as I cling to my hope (and all those side zippers) I know my boots are out there, waiting for me, and when I find them, I shall love them -and name them Nancy. ;)


Anonymous said...

NANCY!!! You are awesome.

Amber said...

If you like crazy socks, try I LOVE their stuff!!!

Odds Bodkins. said...

Sorry, I couldn't read past the bit about naughty schoolgirls in plaid! I do hope they have pigtails.

B. x